The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Martha's Funeral

Today is Martha Schaefer's funeral. Martha was 99 years 10 months old. She was the last of the 10 brothers and sisters in the Schaefer's family. Can you imagine the family reunion going on in heaven right now, all 10 siblings, their parents sitting at the banquet table with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Tyler Joos, our farrier is scheduled today at 12:30pm. Steven has agreed to meet him here at the barn just in case I don't get home in time. He needs to trim up all the horses going to the IL Horse Fair plus the weanlings. Hopefully that goes quickly, there is a snow storm coming and no groceries in the house and even more important we are running out of dog food. Who knows what the dogs will start eating if their food is gone. Dr. Hoerr arrived late afternoon yesterday to check over Rosalie, give her a foal shot, and draw blood for a coggins test on Lily and Helen. Amazing how well Helen does, she left the herd of weanlings, walked quietly beside me out of the sunlight into the barn and into a stall, then stood like a rock for Dr. Hoerr as he drew blood. Lily on the other hand had to be twitched. I think she is the only horse out of our whole herd that needs to be twitched for shots and blood drawing. Her problem is that she has such a good memory. When she was 8 months old she spent almost 2 weeks at the University of Illinois getting poked and prodded then finally diagnosed with EPM then 4 years ago she had to go back to UofI for colic surgery. That did it, she would prefer to never see a vet again in her lifetime. Last night my niece Kristin hosted family outreach at church. She supplied around 150 people with a delicious full course spaghetti meal. Diane, mom, Mark and I helped with the serving and clean up. Ken Hoerr had the service.

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