The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bath Time

What a morning. Out the door just after the day was light enough to see to move in a round bale for the middle paddock. It had not stopped snowing all day yesterday and the driveway was impassable again! Mark took the skid steer down breaking up the new ice and clearing off more snow. We loaded Ribbon and Eliza into the front of the stock with Jenis and Zalena bring up the rear of the stock trailer. Steven had his truck and trailer posed at the top of the hill while we went down the drive and watched for traffic. As soon as the road was clear Steven came barreling down the drive and onto the road without stopping in order to make it off the ice. The next truck and trailer to leave was mine but Mike was willing to drive it down the hill while Diane and I watched for traffic. Once we were finally on the road it was actually a relief. We made it to the fair grounds to find Steven had already unloaded his entire truck and trailer. The mares were in the outdoor round pen while he had his truck pulled into the stall barn unloading. After the releases and coggins were turned in and the wrist bands collected for the Friesian and vaulting demo, Steven started bathing horses while Rhoda, Emily and I worked on decorating the stalls. Below is Valiant and Evan, all clean and wearing their brand new coolers.
We finally stopped work around 4:00pm and headed to Culvers for a late lunch. Check in at the Ramada was next. Rhoda, Emily and Steven were planning on heading back to the fair to ride the horses around the grounds and hopefully into the coliseum but when the girls went to Steven's room to tell him they were ready to go they found his room quite a bit larger than our room and made him change rooms with us. His was at 8 feet larger and guys don't need that much room. Once all the luggage was switched, they took off for the fair. Amy had arrived, checked out our decorations, gave her approval then drove to the hotel. She walked in with her Horsemeister sweat shirt on and the man at the front desk didn't even have to check the records, he told her exactly where we were. She wondered what kind of an impression we made that he would know that. It is now 6:20pm and I'm ready to hit the sack.

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