The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, December 16, 2012

We're HOME!

We left the hotel before breakfast this morning. The hotel restaurant didn't open until 7:00am and we needed to be on the shuttle by then. We arrived at the airport 2 hours before our plane was to take off. Diane had no problem getting our bags on board without paying the $25.00 per bag. Once we were all check in and waiting at the gate the announcement came over the intercom that our plane hadn't arrived from it's last destination. Some of our group wandered down the D gates looking for a restaurant but there were only little Kiosks, no hot food. Our plane was over an hour delayed, then of course they had to let the other passengers off and clean the plane before we could get on. The only ones here to greet us were the dogs, the rest of the family were all at church but the dogs were so happy to see us. Mark had been very busy while I was gone, cleaning construction mess on the patio and cleaning the barn. I tried to work on the website problem but the internet server, the one we pay each month for won't let me on, that will have to wait until tomorrow. It looks like the website has been infected with a virus. I'm not sure how to find the virus and kill it but perhaps Philip can help tomorrow. He is great at keeping the computers clean. Rhoda left for her volley ball tournament. The girls found out they are in first place. The dogs are snoring contentedly by the fire. Mark was telling me all about the school shooting in Connecticut, how awful for those families of the victims. Our prayers go out to that grieving community and our grieving country. 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Let's all humble ourselves, repent, Seek Him, turn from our wicked ways, our country which was founded on Christian principles sure needs healing by our Creator and Lord.

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