The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sangria Out?

Once the brownies were in the oven there was enough time to tease and cover mares. Paris was pulled out first, she was still in and covered by Evan. Next was Cor, she accepted Valiant but didn't stand as well as yesterday. Sangria was the big surprise. She was not interested at all. I know she has short seasons but that was ridicules! Two days ago, kind of interested and not covered, yesterday very interested and covered and today she kicked and screamed as if to say "no way, not even a chance Raven!" The laundry was started then once the brownies were out of the oven it was time to head in to town to pick up the last minute supplies for the dinner tonight. The car was loaded and off I went to Peoria, first to Sams, then to the church to drop off everything then finally to Aldi's to pick up a few bags of cookies for dessert. I just couldn't see spending $20.00 for a tray of cookies at Sams when they might not even be necessary. The cookies will be mixed in with the home baked treats for dessert. How thankful I am for the new hip, it is now no problem carrying heavy trays of food multiple trips up the stairs and running back down.

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