The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Quick Trip

After a delicious dinner of home made turkey soup compliments of Diane, Mark and I hooked up the trailer and hauled Cor out to Middle Grove. She will be brought back for her sonagram in 16 days. It is worth the gas to haul her out, she is a big mare and eats about a square bale a day plus grain. We have seen square bales advertised for $9.00 & $10.00 a bale and that's right here in central Illinois! We only had enough daylight to run there, drop her off and head back. The trailer running lights aren't working with my truck. We have brake lights and blinkers just no running lights so it was a must to be back before dark. These few pictures were snapped. The first is as we were driving up, we could see the horses in under the trees.
After Cor was unloaded they came at a run to meet her. Mytross was actually glad to see her, she is missing Clair and felt Cor would take her place nicely.
The other horses weren't too sure about her and stayed just far enough away that Cor was very curious.

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