The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rebekah's Wedding

Mark and I along with Diane and Mike needed to be at the fellowship hall at 9:15am for the last minute needing to be done things before the wedding. There were a few problems all easily solved before the wedding pies arrived at 10:30am. We were able to get to church by 11:15am just in time for lunch! Peoria church was double blessed today, not only were we celebrating the wedding of Rebekah and Brian but we had another announcement in Peoria. Monica Fritzenmeier was announced to Karl Kirsch. How wonderful for Peoria to have another wedding to look forward to, this has been quite a year for our Peoria church!
Monica has always been so willing to help show the Friesian mares, looks like I'm losing another of our beautiful riders! The wedding service was beautiful and as soon as Brian and Rebekah said their vows we booked it to the fellowship hall to start cooking the chicken get the coffee going, cutting the pies and mixing the ice cream punch! By the time the reception ended we were all a bit frazzled. We were so thankful for all the great help. It is really amazing to think we can serve between 500 and 600 people in 2 hours. Fedi made this lemonade stand for the guests to enjoy a cool glass of lemonade while waiting in the line that stretched out well into the parking lot.
Below is the pie stand Fedi also made. I should explain Rebekah didn't want a wedding cake she wanted PIE!
She wanted her reception to have plenty of food and decorated kind of like a little house on the prairie reception. The pictures below were taken actually taken yesterday by Rachel Sauder of Below is Rebekah getting ready to walk out the door and show Brian for the first time her wedding dress.
Rebekah with her sister Anni and her cousins Bethany & Sarah Reinhard, Sarah Sceggel and Jessica Sauder.
Brian and his groomsmen are perched on one of Horsemeister's tractors.
Below is the wedding party including the ushers:
My camera was taken out for few shots. Rebekah greeting some of her guests.
Isn't she a beautiful bride! and the last picture is of Brian and Rebekah facing the onslaught of bird seed as they prepare to drive away.

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