The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Picking up Ponies

It was so hot by 8:45am Eliza was panting. She needed to be hosed down for quite a while before her black coat became cool and she could be put in the barn with Clair. Our trip to TSC was productive, Mark got the bolts he needed along with a quart of oil for the car and a funnel. TSC had some stall freshener in 25 pound bags that is suppose to reduce ammonia fumes, we bought 50 pounds of that along with 12 bags of Equine Fresh. As we were loading the bedding Alan Knobloch drove up. Alan owns Alamar acres, he and his wife raise Clydesdales. From TSC we headed to Aldi and bought $80.00 worth of groceries including waffle cones and ice cream. By the time we were home and unloaded the car we were dripping wet with sweat and had an ice cream break to cool off. Did I mention it is hot? After lunch the living quarter trailer was parked and unhooked from the truck, the stock trailer hooked up and off I headed to Middle Grove for Mindy, Ella and Sangria. Sangria is due in August, Ella needs to come back here as Steven Marchal uses her as a lesson pony and Rhoda is going to help make a new driving video with Mindy tomorrow. Rhoda was here taking Darcy's stitches out when I finally made it home. Sarah left for Jamaica this morning, she is there to teach for 2 weeks. By 9:00pm it was down to 94 degrees, and believe it or not that actually felt cool. The mares were put out then as the sun is down. Our visitor came again tonight. Heidi hurls herself up against the door wanting in if someone in the area is letting off fireworks. Last night Mark tried to put her out when we headed for bed but she refused to go, then came whining near the bed around 1:00am, hopefully she will sleep longer tonight. Mom called from Athens Alabama wanting to know if someone would water her plants. We should have thought of that earlier, with this heat the gardens are drying out quickly.

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