The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Who would show up today at work but John and he caught Spark working. The joke was growing up John was the hard worker, Spark spent more time and effort trying to get out of work. They actually both came down to help Aunt Bernie and Uncle Ed load up Bibles and story books. Eva Jean and I had a huge day for studies. We got them all entered in the computer, the address labels printed and attached but not all of them processed. Eva Jean took more than 200 of them home to finish. After lunch I sure wanted to head home for a nap but instead had to do the dreaded grocery shopping. The first stop was Aldi's then Walmart and finally finished up at Sam's Club. A rotisserie chicken was picked up for dinner along salad fixins and beautiful ripe juicy strawberries. Once home Airiah was taken over and teased. She is now out but just in case was put in the field behind the boys, when it was obvious she was ignoring them she was put away. Ciera was covered by Evan. Chuck Altic delivered the last 4 loads of hay. All 42 bales were hauled into the barn and stacked. Mark pulled up as the last 2 bales were being stacked. After dinner Mark wanted help hooking the auger back up to the skid steer to work on the pond project. Our fish, the ones we paid 55cents each for, are dying and he needs to get the pump going. Tonight was the online Friesian auction. I was approved for bidding but all of the horses went for more than they were worth. A 23 year old lame mare that aborted 2 years ago and was not able to settle for the last 2 years went for $13,000.00. A 16 year old mare that was so lame she couldn't be ridden, had a retained placenta and couldn't be bred went for $8000.00! Who pays that kind of money for a pretty pasture ornament? I was interested in 2 of the horses, the first was a 2 year old filly and she went for $17,000.00. This was for a filly with NO training! I think the other mare went for $16,500.00 but by the time the price hit $10,000.00 I quit watching. Later I found out it was a divorce situation and the owners were approved and allowed to bid. Frannie's owner emailed a few pictures of her Raven filly. He is calling the filly Panther and has her for sale. Check out the Horsemeister website if interested. The rest of the pictures and all of the information for buying her is there.

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