The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Wonderful Day

What a day, just wonderful from before sunup to way after sundown. Willis had the morning service and the only thing to say was "WOW, he was on fire!" This man is 86 years old and has a mind like a steel trap, just seems like nothing escapes it. He has scripture to back everything up. Truly the Spirit worked through him. Mike Reiker had the afternoon service, "Is there anything to hard for God?" After church Airiah was covered by Raven and Ciera was covered by Evan. Then we headed over to the lake. We had just a wonderful time with the many family and friends that came to the picnic. We had some sprinkles of rain but not enough to dampen the party. Today the golf carts were heavily used. Diane was giving driving lessons on hers while mine was used for errands and transportation. The campfire was the icing on the cake. The singing around the blazing hot fire was beautiful. The stories and misunderstandings of stories brought belly laughter so loud and long it was a wonder we could catch our breath. By the time people started leaving it was after 10:00pm and still it was hard to leave.

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