The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Posting Posts

Last night Mark had the back of Raven's paddock level and strung with string. This morning early the holes were marked and dug. Karin showed up in time to help set the posts.
Thank goodness for good help. Spark brought over 2 of his grand daughters, they played on the fire engine while Spark fixed the golf cart.
Once Spark got it running he started with his patching kit for the two flat tires.
Braelyn was having fun picking up the footing and placing it in the wheel barrow while Spark was working on the cart.
Once the cart was working she took a ride with me into Raven's paddock where I worked and she pretended to drive.
The posts were all set by 10:40am, they will be left until Monday to apply the rails. That will give them plenty of time to set. Karin helped get Cor Arianna covered before we put Raven back in his own paddock. We headed over to mom's on the trusty golf cart then when we came out to come home the right back tire was flat. Bummer, it must have had more than one thorn and needs another patch. I'll try to order a patch kit on ebay. After lunch a couple of foal watch kits were ordered before heading back outside. Mark is trying to get the mowing done before all the company arrives tomorrow but keeps getting rained on. Our thirty percent chance of rain is giving us a nice unexpected shower. Karin took Hadassah out for a refresher. She did very well today.
Lilypony was taken out next after Karin was done with her we brought her in the stall barn to measure her. She sticks just shy of 13 hands at 2 years of age. Nice sized 2 year old pony! Ciera was taken out, not to work but to measure her height, she is just shy of 16.2 hands and that's for a 3 year old! She was taken over to Raven for teasing and sure enough she is in.
We brought Evan over to cover her, Karin is holding his lead as he goes to mount, it is my job to move Ciera's thick tail out of the way and just then my phone starts ringing. It was Spark and he was told quickly, "I'll call you right back." Now that phone hasn't rung all day and the one time today I need both hands it rings, go figure. She stood very well and will be marked down as a successful cover. She will need to be covered again tomorrow. Airiah will be covered tomorrow if she is still in.

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