The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, June 1, 2012

Million Dollar Rain

The television announcers were announcing our much needed rain as the million dollar rain last night. Technically as of 6:00pm the Peoria airport had .85 of an inch but here in Hanna City we sure seemed to get more than an inch. It is still chilly outside but with a promise of warmth. The fields will take off now they all got a good drink. We can now count on a second cutting on our fields and all the fields around. Hay will not be as scarce as last season and should be more reasonable. Thank YOU Lord! Today Airiah must be covered, Cor Arianne will be given the day off as she was covered yesterday afternoon. Ciera has been hanging her head over the fence but when tried didn't show. I would like to try to breed her before sending her out to Middle Grove but we are running out of time. Today is already JUNE 1st! Mark didn't want to move in a round bale for the pony paddock until this afternoon and offered to give them a square bale if I would make breakfast. Breakfast was waiting as he walked in the door but then he announces, "oh, by the way you will need to clean up Diane's golf cart before taking it back." ARGHHH! Instead of taking the wheelbarrow it was just so convenient to use her nice shiny clean cart, after-all it was sitting right there.

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