The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Darcy Update

Darcy made it through the surgery, Dr. Lissa Calhoun, pictured below
was able to repair the ligament thereby saving Darcy's life! Rhoda was inundated with phone calls from all over. Below is Rhoda checking on Darcy after surgery. She will stay overnight again in Dunlap Vet clinic II and be released Thursday afternoon. Dr. Calhoun gave us strict orders for Darcy once she is home. For the next 8 weeks, no exercise, (that will be the easy one) restricted food until she loses weight and each time she gets up to go out to the bathroom we are to have a towel sling under her to help support her weight. Methinks this is going to be a 2 person job. Once home there were horses to be moved and mares to be covered. Steven Marchal first helped get iodine on Clair's filly's umbilicus then headed to the cabin field to get Eliza. We thought she was in her foal heat and once she saw Raven it was obvious she was. Mytross was moved out of the breeding shed so Eliza's filly could be in that paddock safe during the breeding. Raven got the job done and those 2 were brought into a stall so that filly's umbilicus could be checked. Then it was Mytross turn, she is in season and Valiant was brought out for her. She will be covered every day she is in, it is good training for a 3 year old stallion, to learn to wait until the handler allows him to mount. Steven actually had to get after Valiant a couple of times, he was a little rough with his mouth, biting her neck to stay on but learned very quickly he wouldn't be able to work if he was ill behaved. Emma's husband is going to be delivered on Monday. That should be perfect timing if all goes well. We will keep him with us until she is done or we can't stand it. Last year the howling was so awful that even though we said we would keep the stud dog for a week we gave up and took him home after 4 days. This AKC English Mastiff stud is 220 pounds and comes from Indianapolis about twice as far away as last year.

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