The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, June 21, 2012


We arrived at Emily's house at 9:00am. Braelyn traveled well with her broken leg and loved seeing all of the baby animals at the Ricketts home. We didn't take pictures of the geese, bunnies, and lots of chickens. We made it to the farm shortly after 11:00am where the cart was unloaded and Zalena loaded and off to Middle Grove. Below is Bonnie, we didn't let her go right away, Karin was going to work with her but Larry and Mytross were such a pain and took off running taking the herd with them. Karin had to drive her car down to get the 4 wheeler to round them up. Below is Lily, Helen and Sangria. Look at Helen's leap, that's what is called a leap of faith, remember she is blind! They galloped straight to the very low pond and cooled off after that run. We had every intention of bringing Ella home but when Mytross and Larry were finally caught we brought those 2 plus Ayanna so she can get her wolf teeth pulled tomorrow and a new coggins and Ciera for a sonagram to see how her hematoma is doing on her ovary. After Larry was delivered to Ruth's Braelyn and I had just a few minutes to eat a late lunch before Philip picked her up. Then it was time to get going on laundry before the next visitor arrived. Almost finished before Jamie Stone showed up. We had a nice visit catching up on everything until Mark got home around 6:30pm. Dinner needed to be quick and what's faster than cooking breakfast? He enjoyed farm fresh eggs, savory sausage, multi grain toast and fresh squeezed orange juice then headed out to work while I headed out to the arena. Will and Jenni Moser were scheduled to arrive around 7:30pm for a video shoot of 2 of their horses. That went well, so well they were done and out of here by 8:30pm. Both horses were well behaved and really showed off. Both video's are about done, I'm just waiting for Jenni to email the music she wants. Both horses have wonderful movement. We decided to go with slow motion to show off their huge reaching trots. Hopefully the video's will be posted tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Helen. I skimmed all the posts for news of her. Glad she is still doing well.
