The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, May 11, 2012


Pippi Longstocking showed up on our walk this morning, at least we think it was her, no one else would come dressed like this:
We had a fun time teasing Diane about how the home owners association around here doesn't think people should go out in public dressed like that. The flowers coming up at Diane's more than make up for her clothing in beauty. OK, there hair is fake.
The roses were such a delicate pink over at Rhonda's.
The tractor with the big rake showed up first around 10:00am.
Dr Hoerr arrived around noon with his dog Daisy Mae:
She is such a friendly dog and loves to come visiting. We had good and bad news as far as the sonagrams. Ribbon was first on the list and she is open, bother! We were kind of counting on her foal. She is just a really hard mare to keep in foal. Next was Ella and bingo she is pregnant by Evan due March 28th, 2013. Lily was the other mare pregnant, she is due the beginning of March 2013. Now for the bad news 'Zalena' her ultrasound showed fluid in the tip of the right uterine horn, just like a pregnancy would have except Dr. Hoerr could not find the embryo. She also may be coming in season. We will not try to short cycle her, in case of the 2% chance there is a pregnancy and will need to make another appointment for her next week for another ultrasound. The other bad news is Ciera. The lump on her ovary has not shrunk much if at all, but it hasn't grown either. She was not as tender today while Dr. Hoerr was bumping around it. Her ovary has follicles meaning the ovary itself is fine. She was given another shot of prostaglanden and 2 more shots were left for me to give her, one tomorrow and one on Sunday. Hopefully this will help dissolve the hematoma which is more and more what the lump is looking like. Wynne's owner was called to see if she wanted her sonagrammed to find out where she is in her cycle. She did and Wynne had ovulated within the hour but was still willing to stand for Raven. Dr. Hoerr helped get her covered. The reason we did this is we had not covered her since Wednesday and the best time for pregnancy is just before or after ovulation. We caught her perfect! Jill can now come pick her up tomorrow. Because she showed today, if we had not had the ultrasound, Jill would have had to wait another 48 hours before knowing if she was out or not. As soon as Dr. Hoerr left the farmer with the big baler showed up and the fields are being round baled now.

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