The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, May 21, 2012


Today was catch up day, finally finally the trailer was emptied from the show in March. Only 2 months late but no harm done. Mark helped move the heavy blue tubs, the ones filled with the stall decorations, horse decorations, show saddle pads and bridles into the back garage. Of course we had to clean that out before we could haul those in. The popcorn machine was given a through cleaning and put away. The snow cone machine was cleaned and that along with 5 gallons of snow cone syrup were loaded into the car for tomorrow's trip to Pleasant Hill School. At the end of each school year the school borrows that equipment to give the students a special treat. Mike mowed the weeds down in the 2 empty paddocks. We were going to hire Steven for that but he had an accident at another work place. Check out the bruising on his ankle below, he is lucky it wasn't broken.
We had 5 pounds of good ground chuck that needed to be cooked today. I spent the afternoon making spaghetti sauce, and taco meat. We had taco salads for dinner and everything else was frozen for 3 more easy to prepare meals. After dinner Mark and I worked on stringing the back fence line. We are now ready for Jozsef to come mark the holes. We are focusing on the pasture behind the boy's paddock. They need the grass but also need to get out and run. We hate keeping them locked up but they are just not trust worthy. If there is a way to escape they will find it.

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