The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Once the laundry was in the machines and the blueberry bars baking for tonight's picnic, the stalls were bedded with fresh soft pine flakes for the Friesian mare and foal coming in to breed to Raven. Jill and Dave arrived around 2:00pm and once the horses were unloaded and stalled took some time to see all the other horses on the property. Their Raven son, barn name Max is not just HUGE he is gorgeous!
This boy should end up well over 16 hands. He has the curly Friesian hair. If the weather holds we will get a video of him, he obviously inherited Raven's fantastic movement. He is only a month old and already his mane is longer than most 4-5 month old foals. Steven arrived in time to help tease his mom, Wynne SF. She let Raven know she is NOT interested today. Once they were put away Steven got on the orange tractor and started mowing the fields.
He was able to finish the pasture behind the boy's paddock and it looks great. So thankful to have such good help. Spark, Rhonda, Mark and I needed to be at Bob and Myrna Hoerr's house by 5:00pm for the annual choir picnic, the one we wouldn't want to miss, those choir ladies are absolutely the BEST cooks. Now I know this is a horse blog but the meal tonight was exceptional.
The plates were not near big enough, this is just a sampling of the colorful wonderful tasting meal.
The dessert table stretched all down the long side of the room. So many tasty goodies, even taking only a mouth full of each was too much.
Everyone enjoyed the meal and fellowship.
After dinner most of us headed outside for fresh air, comfortable chairs and more visiting.
Irma accidentally walked out with MaryAnn's purse and didn't realize it until she was ready to sit down. We had a lot of fun asking them to pose for the picture below.
Once the tables were cleared out and the chairs reset we ambled back inside for a good old fashioned singing. The numbers were requested sometimes before the last note of the previous song. The closing song so beautifully sung was Abide With Me Fast Falls the Eventide, the wonderful harmony was an absolute delight to the ears. As we were driving away the moon was so huge hung low in the sky, just above the tree line.
The moon won't appear so huge again until 2019 as tonight it is as close to the Earth as it is going to be until then.

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