The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Dentist

Both Ylse and Zalena needed their teeth floated and today was the day. Both mares were very good, standing almost quietly without any sedation. We really like the way this dentist works. He is quiet, takes his time, goes about it calmly and get's results. By the time he was done both of the mare's teeth were much better.

He will be back in the fall if anyone is interested in having him look at their horses.
The big job today was to catch and load 4 ponies and one weanling. We made arrangements to meet after work at the Middle Grove farm. Steven actually arrived first and had Bow and Ella haltered before Mike arrived. Mike brought his 4 wheeler down, tied those 2 to it and started up the hill. Bow slammed on the brakes not wanting to move forward, Mike got off the 4 wheeler walked around to gently persuade her with his boot to move forward when she threw herself backward and flipped the 4 wheeler making it roll over and over down the hill. By that action Bow did not endear herself to him. Steven was able to unhook Bow and loaded her and Ella into the trailer. The 4 wheeler was stuck in reverse and out of commission, that meant a good hike down to where the herd was grazing. Thankfully Bonnie and Mindy didn't even think of running and Lilypony followed them up to the trailer. The lake there is in heavy use, while we were haltering ponies, the horses were taking turns walking down to the lake and jumping in.
Steven and I headed to BEE's where we were meeting Rhoda for dinner. Before we even arrived Mike called to report the 4 wheeler was now running fine, not even bent up from the 4 complete revolutions it made while rolling down the hill. We arrived back at the Hanna City farm as the sun was going down, fixed 2 boards and put those 5 in a paddock. Thank goodness that job is done!

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