The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, February 27, 2012


We were expecting a wake-up call at 3:45am but were up and drinking coffee at 3:30am. The wake-up call didnt come until 4:00am so we were very glad we didn't depend on that. None of our group slept well and we were all ready to leave the hotel by 4:15am for our 36 mile trip to the rental car return. We were moving right along and thinking we probably didn't need to plan an hour and 15 minutes to make the trip when we came to a screeching halt. We came upon an accident, Marilyn saw something in the middle of the road and being from the Midwest we assumed it would be a deer, no, it was horrible to see but it was a man's body all mangled and missing body parts. He must have been riding a motorcycle and must have been hit over and over. It was obviously too late to pray for him but his family will need lots of prayers to get through the coming days. There is no way to identify him, his face, feet and hands were gone, there was still a head so perhaps dental records can be used although his face and head were mangled badly. How does one get that image out of the brain once the mind processes what it has seen?
We are now sitting at our gate in LAX and will need to wait an hour for our flight time, but I'd rather sit here and wait then take a chance of missing our flight.

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