The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Email from Jill

Good afternoon Judy, I thought I’d update you with some recent photos of Kenzie and Kiera. At 10 months old, they are both getting big and doing very well! You can see how huge Lily’s Kiera is getting! I included the last photo of the two of them eating so you can see how much bigger she is than Kenzie even though Kenzie is actually a day older! Sorry they weren’t groomed for the pictures—too cold out! I was so glad to see on your blog that Lily is expecting this Spring. I hadn’t seen anything on your “For Sale” page about her upcoming baby and thought maybe she didn’t get pregnant last year. She really throws good looking babies! I am so happy with her and Raven’s baby from last year! I’ll be looking for you at the Illinois Horse Fair in March. Take care, Jill
Just for the sake of honesty, we don't ultrasound Lily and since we don't know for sure if she settled or not (although she has always settled)we don't update until we know for sure. Today her page will be updated.
Left of the picture is Kenzie, Wynne's 2011 filly and to the right is Kiera, Lily's 2011 filly.

This is my favorite, it shows best friends sharing a grain bucket:

Now for my testing experience. To start with I've had fever and chills for the last 2 days, last night I couldn't get warm even after a long hot shower and climbing under the down comforter. This morning I wasn't feeling any better. Arrival time was listed as 7:40am, no problem I left before 7:00am giving time even to fill the car up with fuel. I arrive at the hospital and try to drive into the parking deck and the entrance is blocked off. Driving around to the other entrance is a note Physicians parking only. Around the block and find a parking place in another parking deck. This one was quite a hike to the entrance of the hospital but I still arrived in time. Then comes the fun part. The hospital wants $300.00 down and was given my credit card. We have such a high deductible I must keep the receipt. Then I was taken to a small bathroom and was given a very small pill bottle and told to fill it. Now if I was a man it would have been no problem but with my hip problem, not being able to bend, I kept missing the tiny little bottle. Suffice it to say I spent a long time at the sink washing up. They drew blood, took an ekg and a couple of chest ex-rays before sending me upstairs to a class with 3 other ladies all having their right hips replaced. By the time we are in the class room I'm feeling very shaky and ask for coffee and apple juice. The hours were spent learning what we are to do before surgery, what's going to happen during surgery and how to live after surgery. By the time we were released I was in bad shape and could hardly make the long drive home. Before I could crawl into bed Bow and Ayanna needed to be fed and watered.
Mark arrived home and is so good about helping out, he filled the water buckets, vacuumed up the mud the dogs brought in and said don't worry about dinner, he will help himself. I knew there was a reason I loved this man!

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