The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bow at 6 Months

As long as Bow was in the arena with Ayanna, some of the video we took was used to make a video of her, the last one we made of her was very short, she jumped out of the arena after less than a minute.

She had already had a good roll and was muddy on her back end but oh well, one can't expect perfection at the last minute.
Our morning was not very relaxing. As soon as it started to lighten up outside we saw loose horses. Sure enough Bow, Ella, and Ayanna were out, then as we are watching we see Killian exit his paddock and start chasing Karin's dog Studly. Once he ran him off the property he walks right back in with Indy. Indy is the only good filly. Somehow Ella, Ayanna or Bow knocked the back gate off Indy and Killian's paddock. Indy refused to leave it, those rif raf from the west farm (Middle Grove) are just ruffians and she is way to elegant to fraternize with them. Killian has taken it upon himself to guard her and each time Studly comes back in the yard out he goes for a good chase. That dog ended up in Raven's paddock, realized where he was and scooted out as fast as his legs could move. As soon as he is out of Killian's reach, Killian runs right back in with Indy. Meanwhile Ayanna is over trying to visit with Ylse and Jenis and can't understand why they keep threatening to bite her, don't they know she is special? Bow is hanging around Ribbon's paddock but luckily Ribbon will have nothing to do with her, Bow is feeling lost, her mama doesn't like her anymore. Ella is busy grazing in the house yard. A bucket of grain is brought out and one by one the 5 horses are put in an empty paddock with an attached gate and given a bale of hay. There will be work to do today to fix the gates on Ella's paddock and Indy's paddock before everyone can be put back where they belong. At least this gives Indy and Killian a chance to bond with Ayanna and Bow.

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