The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Big Boat

We are in our very spacious window view cabin watching tons of food being loaded unto the ship. We were upgraded to this beautiful oceanview cabin. We think it must have been becuase so many people canceled their cruise because of the accident but the boat sure seems full. Prayer is an amazing thing, last Wednesday evening while talking to my Lord i happened to mention how nice it would be to have a window on this coming cruise, the next morning Diane called to exclaim we were to be upgraded. We decided to keep this secret from the guys as a special treat. There is skid after skid of different foods but the one Diane likes best is sitting right below us, a full skid of ice cream cones. Our window is recesses with plenty of room to sit up on the window sill, this is for sure to be a favorite spot during the next 8 days. It is a perfect place to sit each morning watching the sunrise while drinking one's morning coffee. We will need to leave soon for the safety muster then the boat pulls away from Miami at 4:00pm. Mom called to report it has been a miserable cold wet day at the farm, sure glad Rachel scheduled the pictures for yesterday. We have 2 days at sea before reaching our first destination St Thomas then on to Antigua which we reach the 4th morning. The 5th morning we arrive in Tortola. The 6th day is a day at sea, the 7th day we arrive at Nassau at noon and only get to stay on that island until 7:00pm, and from there we head back to Miami. We used our free airline tickets from getting bumped last year, we stayed last night with Spark and Rhonda at the Haefli condo, the car rental was only $22.50 and included a free shuttle to the port of Miami. We were teasing Diane by asking her, "do you think it could get any cheaper?" leave it to Diane to find the best way to use free airline tickets for a nice vacation really cheap.

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