The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, January 9, 2012

Working Time

After our nice short vacation it is time to start working in this new harsh cold world. I have pictures from the cruise on the camera and didn't take the time yesterday to down load them, it was just so much work and I am just so lazy. After spending a week without so much as lifting a finger, one would think we would be all refreshed and anxious to get back into things. Not so! If I had my way this morning, Mark would bring me coffee in bed, then suggest to me that I should probably stay in bed as its cold outside. Yeah right, get into the real world Judy! Yesterday afternoon right after church a nice couple showed up at the farm from 3 hours away. They were horse owners and horse lovers, making a fuss with each of ours and loving how much the horses loved being fussed over. As Indy was being shown and led around one of the jobs I usually do but no one did while I was gone came to light. No one cleaned up the presents the dogs left. Mastiffs leave huge piles and they don't go into the woods, they use the front yard. At least these were not small hard to see little bumps and could be avoided easily if one was just looking down. Unfortunately Mark forgot to look down. His shoes have been left outside. This very important job won't be done until the afternoon. Rhoda's mini cooper has an 8:00am appointment for an oil change in Peoria, I'll need to leave here by 7:20am. Then as long as I'm in Peoria, I'll work on processing last weeks Bible studies.
As the couple were talking about Indy the wife looked over at Emma who was chewing on the last of the deer carcass, rib bones that were attached to the back bone. These bones almost looked like she was chewing on a human skeleton. The wife kind of jumps, then asks, "what is THAT!" She was told, "that's what our dogs do with people that just come to look at our horses and don't buy one of them." For some reason I didn't make the sale, it wasn't that long before they loaded up and took off screeching down the hill.
OK, not really, I promised them it was a deer and not human ribs.

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