The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Traveling With Mom

Trying to get mom checked in is not as easy as it sounds. She tried to smuggle a small bottle of water onto the plane in her carry on bag. She says she forgot it was there. Then when the guard tells her there is liquid, mom starts to get into the bag and is told, "mam, keep your hands out of the bag." Once the offending water bottle was apprehended, mom was allowed to pass. She quickly filled her second bottle from a water fountain. As they called zone 4 for boarding, (we were zone 5)she decides to use the restroom, by the time she made it back they were loading zone 8 the last of the zones. At least we made it onto the plane. Before the plane takes off she pulls out her water bottle,, drops it in front of her so far under the seat in front of her there was no easy way to get it,but she was determined and finally accomplished it with different contortions and tools. The flight went smooth but when we landed she accidentally dropped her pen and it rolled down the plane under seat after seat. A nice lady picks that up and passes it back to our seat, then the man in the seat behind us passes up the pretzels she had dropped. But we are here in Atlanta safely waiting 4hours for our connecting flight. I can hardly wait for the excitement of the next flight. We won't arrive in Jacksonville until 7:40pm.
8:00pm we have arrived at the hotel,it is a dump. Our trip was tiring and we are trying to overlook the dirt. On the second flight, mom wouldn't give up her cup of ice when the stewardess came around with the garbage bag. The sterwardess kept telling mom to throw the cup away and mom kept saying, "I'll just carry it out." finally she was told this was not allowed and she must throw it away. What is it with mom and water?
Mark, I sent you an email about the fire. At home we were having high winds and our chimney blew off as Mark had a hot fire going in the wood burner. He had to use our wall decoration (the fire extinguisher) and put out the fire. So thankful that happened during his watch and not when I was home alone. Poor Darcy, she will have no fire to warm up next to until Mark gets the pipe fixed.

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