The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, January 22, 2012


The camera cord has been found and pictures from Ruth's big family dinner will be added after church. The wind has been howling around the buildings during the night and this morning. The noise, even in this very insulated cozy cabin was enough to wake us numerous times. We went to bed last night by 8:30pm but with the restless night it's hard to get moving this morning. At 2:30am I made Emma go outside, she usually wakes me up but this time I made her get up and go out. Would have thrown more logs in the wood burner but that would have meant going out in the stall area to get them, there were none left in the apartment. Instead of going out into the cold, I checked email before heading back to bed. We got an email from the Horse Fair lady in charge of the evening performance asking how our team was doing and do we have a script. It looks like Horsemeister Friesians are going to be performing in the Friday evening Horsecapades, Saturday breed demo, Saturday evening Horsecapades and Sunday breed demo. The rest of the night was spent dreaming about everything going wrong during the preparing and while they were performing. Talk about nightmares, I was glad to wake up. Today is Sunday the best day of the week, a day of rest for most of us but not for the Hermans! Beth and Greg are serving lunch today, mom is going in early with Mike and Diane to help them. They always have a great lunch, so consider this an invite, come to Peoria today for something special.

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