The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Today is the first winter day for us living here on the farm. Mark made this apartment well insulated, snug and a warm 78 degrees inside with the wood burner glowing. The only way to realize how awful it is outside is to look out the window or step out the back door into the stall area. The window shows the blowing snow, out the back door one hears the wind, and the snow slamming into the building. The first time more wood was needed and the back door into the stall area was opened I thought a truck or car was pulling up. Wondering who could be visiting in this weather, a trip was immediately taken back into the living quarters and over to the window. Imagine my surprise to find nothing out there but blowing snow. Back out to the stalls for wood and only then realizing then how the howling and sometimes whispering sound of the wind and snow hitting the building sounds like the arrival of vehicles. Darcy and Emma both asked to go outside then hesitated once the door was opened. They needed encouragement to step over the half a foot snow drift in front of the door. Emma was very quick to decide she wanted back in beating Darcy to the door. Darcy saw her going in and came running at the opened door, slipped on the wood floor as she jumped inside falling flat. She is just not use to wet paws on a slippery wet floor. It is after 4:00pm, the snow is still falling, swirling around the horse shelters as each violent wind gust picks up more snow added to what is coming down from the gray sky and uses that combination to build drifts in front of the barns.

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