The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Emily's Coming

Emily and one of her friends are coming down for the day on Saturday. Rhoda and Karin for sure will be here, now if we could just get the rest of the team here we could hold a practice for the show. The weather had been mild enough perhaps it will still be above freezing on Saturday so they can use the outdoor arena. We have been so blessed this year with mild temperatures. Mild enough we still have 4 out at Middle Grove, unheard of in years past. Each morning the golf cart is loaded up with a square bale making it easy to throw 3 flakes to the ponies and the rest of the bale to Raven. Then back for another bale for the 2 boys putting the entire bale in the bale feeder. The last paddock where a square bale is given is Indy and Killian's paddock again throwing the bale into the bale feeder. Steven made feeding them easy, he moved a bunch of bales into the breeding shed for easy access. By afternoon only the ponies are needing more hay. We will do this for the next week but before we leave for vacation Feb 3rd we will load up the paddocks with round bales.
Last night we ended up taking 3 cars to church from the Lake. It wasn't a good night for car pooling, Mark needed to bring things for Ron Christ, I needed to take a big sack of stuff from Rhonda for Gail Hodel and Marve Hodel had 2 things he needed to give me. Jessica had to go somewhere after church. Good thing Ruth & Fede's van was available for the rest. They were willing to stuff in 3 more mom, Rachel and Jackie.
Church was fantastic as usual. How could people willingly miss being fed from the Lord's table? At least now if one can't physically come they can listen on-line but it sure isn't the same as being there with the wonderful fellowship available. God knew we humans need fellowship, that's why He wrote in His Word, Hebrews 10:25 forsake not the assembling of the saints. Craig Stickling spoke and again left the pulpit way to soon. After church we joined the group that meets at Culvers for more fun and fellowship. We were the first to leave, we had the farthest to go to get home.
Today is copy day down at the Berean warehouse. Hope the toner holds out, we didn't remember to order more when the last of the toner was used.

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