The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Dreaded Doctor Visit

This morning was the appointment with the orthopedic surgeon for my hip problem. My appointment was with Dr. Mulvey a very respected surgeon and even better, one in my insurance network. Registration is always fun, trying to figure out what one is allergic to and what ancestors have had medical problems. My history is short so that was done just about the time I was called for the billing process. Now an office visit co-pay is $45.00 and normally I would be thrilled but now I know better. That doesn't mean I will only have to pay $45.00, that is just the start. The insurance company will get the big bill for this visit, deduct the $45.00 I've paid then add the hundreds that I must pay until the $5000.00 deductible for the year is complete. Here I was of the understanding once the $45.00 was paid my share was done, nope that's just not how it works anymore.
I was taken first to x-ray where I met Johanna from Bradford. So nice to meet a familiar friendly face.

She very expertly positioned my legs the correct way and snapped 2 pictures, then led me back to the waiting room. There I only got about 3 pages read out of the book I'm currently reading titled Unlocked by Karen Kingsbury when I was called by the nurse into an exam room where she asked a lot of embarrassing questions like, "when was your last mammogram?" She didn't like my answer of "I've never had one." but by the time she left she was much more friendly. When Dr. Mulvey arrived he looked at the x-ray and said without even looking at me walk, "I bet you can't put on your own shoes and socks." Well I was pleased to show him I could still use my hands to raise my foot enough to get them on. Thank goodness Sarah lent me her slip on shoes as trying to tie a shoe is a big effort. Long story short is I've been diagnosed with hip dysplasia. The cartilage is gone, the socket has degenerated so badly that a total hip replacement is the only option if I want to walk. Bummer!
That surgery is scheduled for Tuesday March 6th.
Once all the paper work was done, it was past time to head to Meisters for work. Eldon and Jacob were called to arrange picking up the old copy machine out of Eva Jean's basement. That must be done today during lunch hour. They were told to bring something to help get the 450 pound machine up her very narrow stairs. Mark was given the bad news of medical bills and some paper work billing was done. The day is just beautiful for a January day. The sun is shining and the temperatures are in the 40s. How thankful we are for this mild winter weather. It hurts Mark's heating business but the benefits of no heating bills and no snow removal costs far outweigh his profits.
I've one more important job that must be done before Karin's vaulting team shows up. We need to move the grain wagon out of the middle of the arena and into the garage of the farm house.

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