The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cable Installation

The cable guy just left, the installation of cable internet is scheduled for Friday between 1:00pm and 5:00pm. This is amazing, after hearing it can't be done by everyone from family to the Mediacom company, it is finally going to happen. In this life it really is who one knows and in our case we knew Sue Martin one of the supervisors of the company. She bought Sanna's daughter Piper from us and found a way for this to happen.
Our other big news is we are now entered in the breed and sport demo at the IL Horse Fair March 2nd, 3rd, and 4th down at the IL state fairgrounds in Springfield, IL. We have reserved and paid for 10 stalls this year. The cost for extra stalls went up from $90.00 a stall to $95.00 a stall but we won't let a measly $5.00 each stop us. At this point the horses going are: Ribbon & Bow, Ylse, Jenis, Zalena, Valiant, Evan and Monica Fritzenmeier's filly Eisis. We needed one feed stall and one tack stall, for our last stall we can choose to take Ciera, or make it into a dressing room. If we take Ciera we will have 4 horses the same age for the judging, if we don't take her we just will not be able to be in the judging this year. Actually we should try to talk Sue into bring Piper for that but then if she did, Piper would probably take first over the other 3, Piper is just so tall and impressive.

Karin has a lady professionally making sparkly blue or silver capes for the riders and sparkly leg wraps for each of the horses. This year we are all going to match and going in style!
Karin and I spent hours yesterday online trying to find a decent hotel with a hot tub and by 8:30pm Karin gave up and told me to reserve rooms at the Ramada on Sangamon. No hot tub but they have an indoor pool and near the fairgrounds. Today the reservations will be made.

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