The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, November 7, 2011


Mark somehow magically got the internet to work, finally the pictures from this morning can be uploaded. My hip has been giving problems on the walk, just to keep up with the fast walkers, today on the second round I cheated and rode the golf cart. When my foot was too tired to push the gas pedal, mom offered to pull the cart on the second round.

She has a true servant heart and was real willing until when we started back across the dam. Ruth & Rachel got tired and jumped on also, by the time we were half way across mom was just plain MAD!

THIS DID NOT REALLY HAPPEN, please don't turn us in for elder abuse, it was all a set-up!
Steven showed up today early, he moved Killian and Indy to the cabin field to make room for the outside mare. He teased her today before working horses but no go.
Tyler Joos our farrier came in the afternoon. We had quite a line up for him today. The first one done was Jakob, his very first trim job. OK, he wasn't perfect, he tried a few times to get away but Tyler got the job done without too much fuss. As soon as he was done with DaMita and Izadora, Steven loaded them up and took them to Middle Grove.
Rhoda came over after work to do more training on Ella the pony. Check out the pictures below. Steven taught Rhoda how to do this on Sunday and by Monday that pony almost has the bow and lay down down pat.

Rhoda finished her up by some pedestal training.

What a GREAT pony! THANKS AGAIN AMY!! Steven had already worked, Super, Jewel, Calyopso, Eliza and Jenis leaving Rhoda Ella and Zalena.
Zalena is such a nice mare, she tries so hard to please Rhoda. Notice anything familiar about the pictures below?

Rhoda followed the same program with Zalena as she did with Ella. First the bow, then the lie down and she finishes with the pedestal training.

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