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Friday, November 4, 2011

Friesian Heritage Paper Work

Finally, finally, there were enough copies made of each of the 50 studies that other work could be done. The paper work for Zalena, Killian, and Super was filled out, hair pulled from each of them and mailed in with a check for $160.00 to register all 3 and DNA 2. The Friesian Heritage Horse has a rule that EVERY purebred Friesian horse must be DNAd. Probably a good idea. Steven and Rhoda were working horses when I arrived to pull hair. Sure is nice to have help. Something was done with each one of the horses in training right now and all were great. They had Evan and Valiant in the indoor and of course the pictures taken inside are terrible but so funny.
Below is Rhoda and Evan taking a rest from trick training.

Rhoda climbed on Valiant, Steven led him over the tarp and asked him to get on the bridge. Evan came running up behind the bridge, he wanted to be in the picture also.

Valiant is learning how to do the Spanish walk with a rider.

While Valiant was busy working Evan was sticking his foot in a bucket, dragging things around the arena and sticking his nose where it didn't belong right in front of the camera.

Evan always wants to be the center of attention and when the camera is focused on Valiant, he has to get up close and personal. These young Friesian boys are such clowns!

1 comment:

  1. Hi - will you post your Blog at The Friesian Horse Community ay Our members will love it!
    It's easy just cut and paste the link and it automatically links back to your website. You can also add Classifieds, Photos, Videos, etc. It’s free and easy…
    We are looking for contributors to share stuff with our members. Please help.
    Email me if you need any help or would like me to do it for you.
    The Friesian Horse Community:
    James Kaufman, Editor
