The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Killian & Zalena

After an easy day at Meister's and a good lunch at Denny's with Eva Jean, Spark, Dan and Mark, a quick trip to Aldi's for groceries, a trip to Mike and Diane's office for business, finally I was able to get back to the farm for pictures. Steven Marchal was there working Ciera and by the time I arrived was RIDING her. Ciera turned 2 years old this spring. We must get pictures of this, she looked like Raven standing there with Steven on her back.
After she was put away we took Killian and Zalena into the outdoor arena for pictures.
Below are a few of Killian, note his extreme FEATHER at only 6 months old. This boy is going to be HAIRY, TALL, and BLUE BLACK.

The website was updated and Killian was given his own webpage with many more pictures. We must get a video of his fantastic movement.
Zalena our new mare was next. She is such a nice regal mare.

We moved Zalena into the middle paddock with Ylse, Eliza and Damita. Zalena is not sure she really likes them but she will learn they aren't bad. It won't take long for her to be part of that exclusive herd.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely delicious... both of them. Wow. Zelena's neck is gorgeous and what a profile Killian has. Keep posting photos! :)
