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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remember to be Ready

Do you remember where you were 10 years ago today! Most people will never forget the awful day America was attacked by terrorists. We had a very sober day in church, this morning Ken Hoerr had the service taking us back to that awful day, reporting the deaths, the injured the loss of over 400 firemen and policemen that were trying to save people. We really have no guarantee of tomorrow. These people went to work that day just like every other and in an instant lost their lives, were they ready?
Craig Stickling had the afternoon service on Second Timothy 4. Read this chapter, Paul was speaking to the saved and yet gave many warnings. Why do you suppose a Christian needed to be warned back then?
Mom, David and Stephanie came over after church for dinner and volley ball. Mark grilled steaks, the rest of the meal was caramelized, sauteed onions, fresh green beans cooked in chicken broth, salad with all the fixins, banana nut bread, and sweet honeydew melon. We were going to have ice cream for dessert but the young group had their fund raiser ice cream social today after church.
For Mike and Diane's sake, this morning Ebby came out of your garage glad to see Emma. She is doing well, staying with mom during the day but goes home on her own at night.
The volley ball games were fun to watch, the volleys seemed to go on and on. The games didn't finish until dusk and by then the mosquitoes were starting to bite, time to head in. Thankful for the day, thankful for church and family, most of all thankful for Jesus, my savior.

1 comment:

  1. Read this chapter, Paul was speaking to the saved and yet gave many warnings.

    Yes, very interesting, but one that makes complete sense to me. God's grace is the only thing that saves us... and our faith, our "lip service" in believing in God is bombarded by so many things. Even "our works" can become hollow... And just because someone's faith really was strong once doesn't mean it will remain so. Constant "good" habits are necessary... skip church a few times, start not reading the Bible... and it is a slippery slope. I guess Paul is telling us to guard our faith and tend it with care... nourish it and don't assume we are saved just because we believe...

    Yes, I will be thinking on this the rest of the day... and reestablishing a few "good" habits I have let slip. (Thanks Paul .. and Judy... for the reminder :)
