The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Puppy Update

Are we in the Dog Days of summer?
Rhoda had a very sad phone call this morning, the people that bought James called to report their puppy was stolen and asking us to please pray for his safe return. According to them he was the BEST PUPPY EVER and they are devastated at his loss, they are offering a $1000.00 reward for his safe return. They live up near the Chicago Great America.
On a better note the pictures below came in last night from the lady that bought CC.

This is an update on one of Emma's pups. We so much appreciate people sending along pictures and updates, it looks like THIS PUP found the PERFECT home. Interesting appliances to check out and a wonderful caring companion.

A text came through last night around midnight from Mike reporting on the horses in Colorado. No elk but lots of fun. Mika and Bunni gained endurance and finished very strong. Bunni was used as a pack horse the last two days carrying tents sleeping bags, heaters and all our food to base camp at 9500 feet. She carried Drew to 12000 feet to hunt from base camp.
Bunni is an amazing mare, Mike does not want us to breed her she is in such demand but Diane feels she should pull her weight and help us out with a foal to sell next year. We will think on this, she has beautiful babies.
Rhonda Meister offered to come over today to help place pictures on the walls. I'd better go through the back and pull out a bunch to give her plenty of options. The sand is to be delivered today and should be spread. Dr. Hoerr is coming this afternoon for ultrasounds. We decided against sonagramming DaMita and Lily. They are at Middle Grove and more than likely pregnant but if not we will catch them next spring. It won't hurt to give Lily a year off for riding and DaMita could be shown next year.
We will have Sangria, Ylse, & Jenis done for us, Kay Johnson's mare done and Kesha's mare done. Crossing our fingers and toes they are all in foal.

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