The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pea Soup

It was so foggy on the drive in to Peoria, the fog was as thick as pea soup, one could not see the stop signs and a white car driven without lights blended in so well it almost got rear ended.
We had a very busy day today, actually the studies were done before 11:00am with Eva Jean taking home the huge stack of letters to be read. This happens each time Bibles are mailed out, one prisoner gets a new Bible, all the others want one too.
After lunch Steven showed up to work Eliza, lunging and riding, then working on her bow. He was willing to help get Ribbon covered. As Raven was flirting with her, Ylse comes up to the fence and starts to show. She will be covered tomorrow. A carriage company is interested in Sanna and as long as we were getting her coggins drawn, they wanted a pregnancy check. Her vet appointment was at 3:00pm and I am so compulsive about being on time, I wanted to leave 50 minutes early to get there in time. The clinic was reached with 5 minutes to spare and truly why do I even worry. Dr. Pallen came out and drew blood for the coggins but her arms are not long enough to preg check our mares so I had to wait for Dr. Hoerr for that. He was in doing a lameness exam on a big Belgium that started at 1:00pm, by 4:00pm I was getting worried about making my next job on the list which was stop at Sam's Club to pick up some fruit, chips and vegies for Rhoda, she and Monica Fritzenmeier were serving tonight. I finally told the receptionist I could stay for 15 more minutes then had to leave. Dr. Hoerr came out shortly after that stuck his hand up Sanna's rear, pronounced her pregnant and off we went too late to shop.
Mike came over to get instructions of what needed done here while I am in Gulf Shores. Poor guy, it would be great if Raven could be fed 3 times a day (probably won't happen but if he could get 2 I would be pleased. Sanna and her filly grained, all the paddocks hay checked and refilled as needed. Ribbon covered if she is still in and Ylse checked and covered EVERYDAY she will accept Raven, we must get her pregnant. Her foals are way to valuable to waste a year. To think Mike use to do ALL of this before we moved here.
Just as Mike was leaving Ralph came over to settle up. The house is now ours, the electricity is now in our name and we HAVE an address and a mail box. It only took 3 and a half months from the time we thought we were getting the house until we have possession. We were able to leave for choir a few minutes early leaving enough time to get to Sams for Rhoda. Choir was wonderful as usual, we have really neat songs to learn. Rhoda and Monica bought pizza from Old Chicago and that went over well, really well! Bob Hoerr nominated them for choir treats every Tuesday night. What a feast! Everyone stayed late eating and visiting long into the night (10:00pm) but that's long into the night for us.

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