The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, September 3, 2011

No More Dry and Thirsty Land

As the morning was hot and dry Mark started moving manure piles getting 14 loads dumped by 2:00pm.
Diane sent us a text to come swimming, her lake was cool and refreshing, with the weather over 90 again we were glad to take her up on that and spent a good hour floating around visiting with Diane, mom, Rachel, and Jessica.
The food for tomorrows picnic still needed to be purchased so off I drove to Sams Club after that cool refreshing break. The car thermometer was reading 92 degrees on the way into Peoria and I was in Sams less than a half hour. By the time the food was loaded into the car dark clouds were forming in the West, the sound of thunder was rumbling and the temperature had dropped to 66 degrees. What an amazing difference in temperature in such a short time period. The rain started on the drive back to the farm, by the time Smithville road was reached we were crawling along at 25-30 miles an hour dodging flying tree limbs and debris in the 70 mile an hour winds. The cookies needed to be dropped off at mom's but I had to get out of the car and walk, tree limbs were down all over going completely across the drive in many places. There were so many down and they were so big, there was no way to move them by hand. Mark was told he would need to get his chain saw out when the rain stopped. After dinner and after the storm we drove over to start clearing but someone had already beat us to the job. With so many family members living here at the Meister compound it is hard to be a first responder. Even mom didn't know who cleared the drives. That stormed dropped an inch and a half of rain on this dry and thirsty land. The next storm came about an hour later and again the rain came down in sheets pounding on our roof and windows. So thankful the dry brittle fields are getting such a good soaking. The evening was spent relaxing with a library book by Lori Wick.

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