The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

The day started early with a trip to Sams club for fruit, ice cream and bbq pulled chicken then a trip to Morton to pick up Nancy for the day. Once back Mark and I started on the arena, putting up quite a few boards when our company for the day pulled up, Phil,Anna and Braelyn, Tony and Sarah, Ash, Dennis and Gertie.

Mom took Nancy over to fish at Spark's dock, Nancy pulled in a big bass and was so thrilled she needed to come over to show it off to everyone. Mom cleaned and cooked it for their lunch.

Dennis and Gertie needed to leave after lunch but the rest stayed and visited. Ben and Taunya along with Addyson and Jack joined us. Ben went over to play volley ball while Addyson took golf cart rides with her mom and Anna. When Rhoda got here she brought out Cindy for Addyson, this little girl has no fear of the horses, was riding with no hands and didn't want to get off.

She was bribed with another golf cart ride.

Before dinner Mark, Phil and Ben went out to put up a few more boards on the arena. The work is not going very fast but we aren't putting a lot of hours into it, just when ever we have the time we stick a few more up.

While they were working Ribbon and Jenis were let out into the field. The guys reported the babies came running into the arena bothering them, just very curious about what they were doing. I took a few pictures then went in to make dinner.

After dinner mom and I took Nancy home. Once back, Mark was talked into helping move in a couple of round bales and the mares were put away.

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