The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Good Deed

While sitting on our balcony enjoying the view this morning, the car below comes barreling up the empty lot on the right of the condo getting stuck in the sand all the way up to the back axles.

Mom and Aunt Jinnie decide as this is Sunday they really aught to do their good deed for the day and go push the car out of the sand. Below Aunt Jinnie is discussing how to accomplish this job with mom.

A policeman and a few other condo dwellers showed up to help. The ladies thought they should probably push from the front of the car while the guys pull from the back.

This didn't work at all, there had to be a better way. Aunt Jinnie suggested tying ropes to the back of the car and let the 2 ladies pull it out and yep that was WAY better. This way they could really get their back and legs into the job. Why mom and Aunt Jinnie even hooked the rope around their waists for traction.

After such a strenuous job, mom is feeling pretty strong. She is exclaiming to Aunt Jinnie, "see I TOLD you we could do it!"

This post may be a bit exaggerated, in fact it may not have much truth in it at all. A truck driver saw the 2 ladies pulling felt so sorry for them because not only were they trying to pull the car out everybody that had been helping in the beginning had jumped inside the car for a free ride, the nerve!
This truck driver is the real hero of the story.

Mom says, this post must be erased since it is not that accurate, in fact it is a tall tale all told tongue in cheek. Mom just stated "Jinnie made her do it."

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