The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, September 16, 2011

Bird of Prey

While watching Emma and Sangria's filly play together this morning I had to go get the camera. Emma would crouch down, the filly would stretch her neck over the fence line, Emma would bark and jump backward while the filly moved forward for a closer look. JoHanna SOLD today, she will be going to Florida to live with Dawn's family.

On the second round of the walk, Rachel saw this bird of prey sitting on the fence. We tried to sneak up a bit closer to find out what kind of bird but it took off when it saw us move. This was too small to be a hawk but definitely a bird of prey so must be some kind of falcon.

Sure wish we could have got a better shot before it took off.

Today a trip in to Peoria is planned. I am one of the hosts for Joe and Kayla's wedding shower tomorrow and still need to pick up coffee, creamers and fruit juices. I also have to take the snow cone and cotton candy machines along with all the supplies down to the Skyline home. The weather is cool and cloudy, not good hay drying weather. Funny when they came to cut the prediction was 7 days of bright sunshine, and yet the next day we had clouds and sprinkles and it has been cloudy and cool ever since.
Steven found some round bales for us in Washington, IL. I'll ask to go see them and if they are what we are looking for try to buy them all. The farmer has at least a hundred.

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