The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Update from Emily

Hi Judy,
Jewel and I have really connected. I think she has accepted me as her "herd." When I groom her she grooms me (gently) and she is always elated to see me calling immediately and running to the gate if she's in the pasture. She is such a blast to ride. I can tell she has Thoroughbred in her though because she has the tendency to jump around a little more than average. Not exactly spook, but when she sees something she's never seen before she has to stop on a dime to look at it. Even when she acts up she's never been out of control or even close. Her mouth is soft and responsive and as long as you can hold her attention with exciting things (her attention span isn't very long) she goes like a pro. The capabilities she has are enormous so I can see why the owner of her full sister wanted her and also why you didn't want to sell her. I don't think she will be for anything but a fairly experienced rider for a long time because of her "Thoroughbredness" but she has never been out of control. I love, love, love her because we've really connected like "reading each others' minds" and I know she loves me too. Thanks so much for this awesome opportunity of working with such an amazing horse. Tell Mike thanks too and he's going to love riding her.
Thanks a bunch. Emily

We sure love updates like the one above. Thanks Emily for keeping us informed. Now if only she would send us pictures!
The lady that was suppose to be here at 5:30pm didn't make it until close to 8:00pm. Her flights were delayed, then delayed again. She had a nice ride on Dalia in the pasture behind the boys in the dark. The volley ball lights were on and the guys were playing, the boys were running around their paddock and yet Dalia was calm. She paid attention to her rider, of course it helped that her rider was experienced. They were a good fit. She is coming back out tomorrow after church for another ride on her, this time hopefully someone can take her on the trails.
While we were watching her ride the mosquitoes were having a field day with us. Next time we go out to ride in the pasture at dusk we must have on mosquito spray.
The stalls were cleaned, the mares fed and watered one more time. Both mares are ready to get out, even Ribbon feels like one day in a stall is enough.

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