The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, August 19, 2011

Raven's New Daughter

We had a lady from New Mexico ask if Sanna's filly has ever gone swimming. No we didn't think so. As Rhoda was here baby sitting Addyson, she jumped on Sanna and into Diane's lake the filly followed. The video was uploaded on to the website on Sanna's page. We all jumped in the golf cart for the ride over to mom's, Darcy and Emma came so they could jump in the lake and cool off, the weather is hot well in the 90s.

We left Addyson at mom's where she immediately goes to the chair that just fits HER.

Mark showed up around 3:00pm ready to help unhook the trailer and drive down to SunBelt Rental for a nine inch auger attachment for the skid steer for the 70 holes that we need to dig if the arena is to be done. We really should have taken down one of the Meister Brother trailers, Mark also picked up a huge pump to assist on draining the pond. The stuff barely fit in the back of the truck.

After dinner we marked out where to dig tomorrow. Then it was time for the horsemeister work. DaMita is now out of season, Breyer is not yet in season and Ylse is in and covered before heading over to mom's to meet the visitors. The company from Canada wanted to go horseback riding so Rhoda and Sarah took the 5 guests on the death trails. Driving the golf cart over to the barn we see Ribbon laying down, Rachel is running for the paddock and sure enough she is in the process of delivering her brand new Raven daughter.

Below is a picture of her hoof, the other hoof is still in the birthing sack. When a foal is born the hoof is very soft and rubbery. This is God's way of making sure the foal does not hurt the mom in-utero and during delivery.

And below is her very first stand.

The filly has a small moon shaped white spot on her forehead. She is nursing well and trotting around her stall. She is very strong and quite opinionated. Do we have another princess on our hands?
A very busy day!

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