The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Puppy Work

What a LONG night! We were sound asleep by 9:30pm, the heat is just exhausting. At 11:00pm my phone start beeping which was ignored but when Mark's phone went off, it was too loud to ignore. His needed to be plugged in, mine was a text message from someone wanting a pup and wanting to come down from Chicago today. Back to bed, back to sleep when the puppies started an uproar. Whining, barking, and even growling. Emma went running to see what the problem was then came running back in to get us up. ALL of the puppies, not just one or two, ALL of the puppies were out of the box causing mass chaos. When Emma exited the box she must have knocked down one of the sidewalls. It wasn't just the case of putting them back in the box and heading to bed. The box needed repair and the floor needed cleaning. These puppies are eating machines and they must be over eating, it keeps coming out the overflow!
The only blessing in all of this is Mark is now more than ready to get the central air conditioner installed in the barn so the puppies can be moved out. THANK GOODNESS hope he schedules it for Monday.
Around 4:00am Emma wanted back out and at that time I realized the stall air conditioner was left on. As there were only a couple hours left of the night it was left on. This morning Sanna and her filly are sound asleep in the stall enjoying a bit of coolness. The filly will be given her last IV then her IV line taken out. She is doing well, nursing well, eating well and feeling much better.
It probably could have been removed yesterday but we want to make sure Sanna's milk supply is built up enough to support her.

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