The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, June 9, 2011

It's Here

Eliza, Airiah, and Dalia were taken to Princeville, IL to the equine dentist. They are staying at Dr. Calhoun’s farm overnight as their appointment is tomorrow. While they were being dropped off the apartment water softener was being installed. They also fixed the hot water for the shower and gave us a bit more flow out of the shower head. This may work living here after all
An appointment was made with Hoerr Vet clinic also for tomorrow. We are first on the job list meaning Dr. Hoerr should show up here around 9:30am. We need to have Kay’s Arabian mare sonagramed as she is now in season. Sanna and Cindy will also be ultrasounded and hopefully in foal. This way we can share the farm call with Kay.
Sarah leaves for Jamaica tonight and showed up to pack, weigh her luggage, do some laundry, and get her passport. She plugged in her phone then must have left it. It rang around 11:00pm then started beeping for a message. We could not figure out where the beeping was coming from not knowing her phone was plugged into a corner outlet, then some clothes dropped on top.
The guys from Plattner Orthopedic showed up around 5:00pm with Raven’s new brace. Raven stood very still while they were putting it on but then was afraid to walk. We walked him over to a mare in season so he would forget about it and forget about it he did. The brace was left on for a couple of hours, then removed for the night. Tomorrow morning Mike will help get it back on. Wonder what Dr. Hoerr will think of this? The pictures below show the story.

As I was trying to upload pictures late tonight, Emma lets out a soft bark but then is quiet, the next thing that happens gives me the creeps, actually scared me, a touch on my shoulder, I turn around and there is Sarah Reinhard,

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