The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, June 13, 2011


June 13th and it is COLD outside. The windows were left open all night and what a delight to snuggle under our down comforter. The only problem with that was Emma had a miserable night and every time she wanted outside I had to get out of the warmth and stumble around in the cold. The puppies must be making Emma uncomfortable. She was up 4 times during the night asking to go outside. We are not sure on our puppy count down if we are to start counting from the first time she was bred or the last time. If anyone has this information please share it with us as there are 5 days between the first and last cover and the gestation is only 63 days.
Our next big function is senior high girls came this coming Saturday. Karin is going to be out of town and won't be able to help. We must come up with 3 replacements for her. Weird how it takes 3 people to replace one really important bossy (and I mean that in a nice way)one. Karin has been the person in charge of the horse riding for the camps for the last 3 years. What will we do without her?
Our news is Mark didn't have to wear causal pants to church. He went to Penny's and picked out some new black pants. They even match his suit coat and were only $29.00. While he was there he also bought a new long sleeved white shirt. He is now all set for church. His suit pants never did show up but there are a few more boxes and bags to organize yet in the big back room.
Sanna was called in for her grain this morning and she is still very sore on her left front where Dr. Hoerr dug out an abscess. That hoof needs to be soaked in Epsom salts at least 3 times today. She is such a grand old girl, and so fertile, pregnant at 22, and taking on the first cover each time. Her filly this year is beautiful, we really need to get new pictures of her soon. She still needs a name.

1 comment:

  1. Judy-
    I'm pretty sure that it is from the first time that you bred her. Brandy always went into labor on the 61st day starting from the first time we bred her. You should take her temp every day starting about a week before her due date. 101-102 is normal for a dog. If her temp drops into the 97-99 range she will most likely go into labor within 24hours. Rhoda probably knows all that though. Good luck!
    - Amy
