The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wonderful Sunday

We arrived by 9:23am and already the room was filling with people all ready to Worship our Lord through singing. Tim Funk helped Michelle lead the songs. Craig Stickling had the morning service, he shared a bit from last night, honestly we all felt he sat down to quickly but the morning service wasn't over by a long shot. The group that sang at the jail this morning blessed us with 3 songs, the harmony was beautiful, but... the best was yet to come. If you weren't in Peoria for the 2nd service you REALLY MISSED a blessing!
The afternoon started with singing, the church was full of beautiful voices raised in worship. Nothing can compare with voices singing in beautiful harmony and volume praising the Lord. When All Hail the Power was sung the sound FILLED the church to the rafters. Tim Funk had the afternoon service. I strongly URGE everyone who missed this message to get on line and LISTEN to it as soon as it is uploaded. He opened to Numbers where Korah would not submit to Moses and Aaron and how God told Moses to GET OUT OF THE WAY so He could destroy them. Moses fell on his face pleading with God not to do this. So how does God feel about us not submitting to our Elder? Kind of scary to realize how angry God was, He put Moses in charge and Korah felt Moses had no right to tell him what to do.
After church David, Stef, and Rhoda helped Mark and I move everything out of the Horsemeister office to prepare for the flooring which is to come in on Tuesday. The afternoon was hot and muggy, thankfully the job took less than an hour and it was over to moms to wait for the enough family to show up to play volleyball. While waiting we heard of Spark's (or should we say Rocky) incident at the jail last Sunday. Before the church service started 2 of the inmates started fighting, Spark went over, got between them and told them to stop as THIS IS CHURCH! They didn't, he put his arms around both and took them to the floor and somehow Spark ended up on top. He hand got stomped and he ended up with a few bruises from the fight before the guards came running in to stop it. Then to top it all off, Wednesday he was walking at the car auction and got hit by a car while talking on his phone. He said 2 Mexican men were yelling at him but in Spanish and he didn't know they were warning him about the driver of the car not able to see Spark. It hit him in the back of the legs knocking him onto the car and in all of this he didn't lose his phone. Finally enough family showed up to play volley ball. The second game got rained out leaving time for dinner to be purchased from Gills and brought to mom's. We had hot fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans and corn fritters, all delicious.

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