The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

It was wonderful to see church full, many extended families came today and sat with their mothers making the day special. After church we headed to the lake for our mothers day picnic. We had beautiful weather and lots of kids. Karin got Paris out for the kids, then Spark brought over his dun buggy. The older kids played volley ball while the younger just played. Below are pictures of the day.

After dinner Rhoda helped bring Beth's Andalusian mare Grace and her filly Luna over to the cabin for a video.

This Raven filly is gorgeous and with her wonderful movement will make someone a very special mare. Did we mention how sweet she is? She LOVES people.
Grace is in season and was covered again tonight.
We enjoyed a bit of singing by the campfire before heading home.

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