The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Frost May 4th

Who would have thought there would be frost on Amy's anniversary!

Not just a little bit, it was hard enough to work at scrapping it off as Mark can attest.
At the farm both mares were anxious to get out of the stalls and get out to the field. Sangria's filly is doing well. She is SO HUGE! These pictures were taken at 12 hours old and don't really show how tall she is. We need a person to stand next to her to really get the perspective.

She still has trouble figuring out how to lay down gracefully.

While I was taking the pictures a truck pulled up with Rachel's tractor.

While Rachel and Dave were getting a driving lesson, the dirt guy called. He got going early and wanted to change the time to bring mom's gift. By the time I called him back he was already past the drive and had to turn around. We got the mulch dumped first and it is a much smaller amount than needed and than we thought we were getting. We must go pick up some more before Saturday. That was a bad buy. The shovel ready composted top soil doesn't look much better than what the farm provides, another bad buy. THEN to top it all off, Wynne comes back in season. Her ultrasound was scheduled for Friday, that had to be canceled and Raven brought out. At least Raven was thrilled to have some work.
Mary Ellen made it to mom's wonderful breakfast starring free range chicken eggs and savory sausage. We had a nice visit before she needed to leave and I needed to get to work.

Walmart must be visited before heading back to the farm to meet the farrier at 4:00pm.

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