The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, May 13, 2011

Blogging Service

The service was down last night and this morning. This is a free service and yet how many complaints must have been issued, even I got phone calls about not having it available. We really do thank this service knowing they work hard at keeping it running.
Yesterday Sanna was covered which should have been uneventful except Steven took Raven over to the cabin field and then both boys found a way through the new pasture not quite done and had to come over also and Steven ended up with 3 screaming stallions, 4 screaming mares and 4 very confused foals.
The cable guy showed up just as Mike and Diane were heading back to their office. Rhonda was coming up the drive so Mike and Diane turned into the farm driveway to swing around her and saw the mediacom truck. They were able to explain exactly what we can do for them if they are willing to supply the materials. Mike explained that Spark has Meister Electric and has all the equipment to lay the cable. We have plenty of workers to help and then tells him "and I'm an attorney and can do the easements for free" and gave the man a pen with all of his information on it. The mediacom man drove over to Pences (Joan's renter), to check out that house, the Sauders saw him driving back, Rachel quick stops her vehicle in front of his truck and tells Dave "jump in the mediacom truck so they can't drive away." Rachel finds out Mike gave him a pen and says, "here, you can have my sunglasses, I don't have anything else of value with me." Of course he just laughs. Rachel asked him what it was going to take to get the neighborhood hooked up and was told the company wants a 4 year payback. Well we think if they allow us to do all the trenching and labor and they only supply the materials they could easily have less than a 2 year payback. We think there should be no excuse now.
This morning the first thing I see at the farm is the fire engine missing. Spark took it in to the shop for a job. He kind of complained about the dust on it and is looking for a church holding a $5.00 car wash to run it through (not fair). After the walk Sangria was covered, the cupboards for the office came, the stove, dishwasher, and microwave have all been delivered. The paper work for Grace's pickup is now sitting in the office and I am home to relax before heading back for potluck at Rhonda and Sparks.
Rhoda and Sarah had a ball shopping for our new little Jack. They went a bit crazy, who knew there would be such cute little boy clothes.
Now how will they get them to Bloomington?

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