The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Work then Play

This morning Rachel's dog Sasha was crouched down about half way on the dam, Rachel yelled at her to go home but Sasha really didn't want to move. Rachel made the remark, I think she is guarding something. Meanwhile Ebby is not listening to us and keeps trotting right up to Sasha, we were sure Ebby was going to be dead meat but Sasha reluctantly headed home, Ebby ran to where she had been laying and picked up the rotting cow hoof. When she was proudly carrying it back over the dam both Emma and Heidi gave her wide berth, as Ebby was growling like a ferocious miniature BEAR.
As office work was waiting Sanna was given her meds and her leg hosed before the walk and put in the paddock. Steven came a bit later, moved in a round bale then put Sangria in with her as Sangria is due April 16th and should be moved out of the middle paddock. He teased Wynne and Dalia and again no luck.
Eva Jean and I worked efficiently today and was done by 11:40pm leaving us plenty of time to enjoy lunch with Phil and Mark.
At choir tonight the benefit dinner notes were handed off to Crystal our new leader. We were practicing the Zion Harp songs so didn't have a big group. Bill Chaffer served lunch and he went all out. Cucumber sandwiches, home made chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin cookies, chips, vegetables, gondolas and chocolate cake. All was delicious and so colorful a few pictures needed to be posted.

Dee Lehman was telling me that one of the doctors she works with bought a horse from us. When I was asking who that could be she told me it was Anni. The best part of this conversation was Dee knows they LOVE Anni and Anni's colt by Raven is WONDERFUL, she told me he is just a year old but so tall and so well behaved, yes this sounds just like another fantastic Raven son. Dee is going to ask them to email pictures to us, as we have never seen this colt. While we were speaking of this one of the ladies told us she saw the video of Lily giving birth, Karl was so sure it was a great video he is giving it 2 thumbs up. Yeah like he's really seen it!

We really have a great time at choir anyone that wants to join us is welcome.

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