The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Muddy Trip to Middle Grove

Below is a brand new RAVEN son owned by Heather from St. Louis.

The MUD is everywhere. Even on the walk it is hard to find the high dry places on the gravel drives. Once done, if Heidi wants in she waits for mom to wipe her feet. What a smart dog!

Sanna and her new filly were let out first this morning before Sangria to make sure the filly would stick with her mom. Sangria was really upset to be left inside and very anxious to run to Sanna and was shocked when Sanna would not let her near the new baby.
Steven showed up for the trip to Middle Grove. We knew the roads were bad and we would have to walk the horses in the long long drive.
Steven took Ciera, Ayanna and Heathcliff.
Below are full sisters Ayanna and Ciera both by Raven and out of Lily. Such beautiful girls!
It was such a gray dark day it is very hard to get pictures of black horses. Below was when they were let loose to go find the herd titled READY SET GO!

Steven brought the trailer to Bridlewood as we are heading to an auction tonight. We are looking for a therapy horse for Rainbow riders. Karin has put her order in and the best part is she is coming with Rhoda Amy and I.
Once home from Middle Grove it was time to get the oil changed in the car. I'm not very good at that so cheated and took it to fast lube.

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