The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Change

What a change in weather from yesterday to today. A storm moved in during the night with lightning and wind but not much rain. It is a cold damp 42 degrees today after our record breaking high of 83 degrees of yesterday its kind of a shock to the system. At the farm we got less than a quarter of an inch rain, a bit disappointing. Sanna was given her meds then taken out, her leg hosed, then let out on pasture. She is improving each day.
Lily and Wynne's paddock needed hay so they were let out also to graze until a new bale could be moved in. By the time the mares were out it was time to meet Rachel for the walk. Heidi was glad to join us but Ebby wouldn't leave this:

Somehow the dogs brought home a COW leg, a rotting cow leg and Ebby was so proud of it she would not let any other dog near her. The leg weighed more than she did and she could not carry it far, so stayed behind guarding the smelly thing with her life. The toys she gets when her owners are gone.
The skid steer was fired up and I started moving in round bales. One for the herd, one for Lily's paddock, and one for the middle paddock. I was pretty pleased to be able to not just move in the bales but remove the net wrap without help. Usually we plan on having 2 people move in bales, one to lift the bale with the help of the skid steer while the other person removes the wrap. The skid steer door wont open if the bale is up off the ground so it is a bit tricky.
When the mares were ready to be called in I snapped the pictures below. The tower in the background is now all ready for the wind generator Spark is putting up for the lake compound. Sure wish we could tie into this but maybe some day we can get our own at the farm.

Wynne has on the red halter, Lily has no halter but she is always easy to identify even in a herd, she had colic surgery and her belly hangs a bit low.

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